Step 1: Create the php file that verify the username and password.
Step2: If the username and password is correct then check whether the cookie for the user is
already get or not.
already get or not.
Step3: If the cookie is set then retrieve the value from the cookie and store it
setcookie($user_$c, time()+60*60*24*120);
Step4: If the cookie is not set then set the cookie with the default value.
Step5: If the staff wants to view the number of visit.
Step6: Get the registration number.
Step7: Retrieve the value from the cookie
Step8: Display the number of visits.
Step9: Run the program in the browser.
if (!isset($_COOKIE[$nam]))
echo "<br><br>It appears that this is your first visit!";
else {
echo "You have visited ".$_COOKIE["nam"]." times!";
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